In reflecting back on John Pratt's recent article on Venus and its tie to the Lord's life, I have concluded that the phrase "under the earth" as used in Moses 6: 63 is referring to the cycles of the "wandering stars" or planets. It does not refer to the subterranean composition of the earth's mantle.
Venus disappears on the horizon, taking it "under the earth." Then it reappears again, symbolizing the resurrection of the Lord. Venus being the great symbol of Christ, as John Pratt has shown.
As Val Brinkerhoff has also shown in his The Day Star - Reading Sacred Architecture
volumes, the orbit of Venus tracks a pentagram in the sky over it's eight year cycle.
Toyotas and light beer are of more interest to us than the procession of the equinoxes through the zodiac. All things do bear testimony of God. But we prefer the billboards on the side of the highway.
What a treasure you have found for me! I have been searching and here it is. Thanks, Diane Henry