
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why Am I Unwilling To Answer

I've been chastised in a number of comments by those who want me to be more willing to respond to questions, and not be so "evasive" when I respond. They want me to be their answer man for every issue that perplexes them. I won't.

Do you think I would help you more if I were to create dependence on me? Do you think I want you to be dependent on me? Should you cease to think for yourself, but instead wait to see what I have to say on a topic before you decide a matter? I want you my equal; and if I can assist in accomplishing it, then to help you be my better.

I pay to talk to you. I rely on the good work and problem solving of others to make the recordings available. They are asking for payment to defray their work. Make no mistake about it, they do work to provide these things. Whatever "profit" that may be owed to me after all their expenses are paid is given to others. I keep nothing. I don't even receive anything. The money is donated to missionaries and others in need. I do not get so much as a tax deduction for those contributions to others. I pay to rent the places where I speak, if they are not donated. I do look for donated facilities to reduce my costs. It is a financial burden to speak to you. That is as it should be. It is my responsibility and between me and the Lord to accomplish. I do not ask you to bear that burden for me or even with me. I travel to different locations to make it possible for those few who may be interested to attend. I am inconvenienced so that you needn't be.

I try to be the kind of person who I would be willing to trust, have confidence in, and be willing to listen to because of the sincerity of the conduct. And still everything I do is questioned, and foolish people believe themselves justified in using measuring standards that neither they nor their own religious idols would pass.

You need to work some things out on your own. You need to pray and get answers for many, many things. I do not give commands, nor make demands. I tell you what I believe, what I know, and make suggestions in the hope of persuading you. If I fail to persuade you, then I am content to let you go in peace.

All people have gifts. There are a great deal more gifts and capacities than you can possibly imagine. What one person can accomplish through their gift may be something another looks at with disbelief and surprise. But the blessings given by God are without number, and you should be very careful about condemning what you do not comprehend. Encourage your brothers and sisters in their gifts and let them enjoy the freedom which is in Christ. We have too many organizations, governments and churches trying to suppress the freedom of all men. There is an unholy alliance between almost every organization on earth right now trying to suppress the agency of those who belong to them. It does not matter if it is a club, a school, a political party, a government or a church. They are all taking in a spirit which seeks to oppress and control. Everywhere in the world today men are filled with the madness of destroying agency. I refuse to be among them. I work to allow you to freely choose and to reject everything I say or write. I do not even ask you to believe, but to ask God and believe in Him.

As the winnowing continues I want to remind you of something we saw in the ministry of  Joseph Smith. There was contention, disbelief, rejection and treason against Joseph in Kirtland and Nauvoo. He fled Kirtland in the night, and was chased for 200 miles by his former followers. In Nauvoo, he was surrendered to be killed. We have had enough of Kirtland and Nauvoo. When there is a gathering to Zion, if we do not get rid of the faithless, weak, traitorous, foolish and vain beforehand, we will not have Zion at all. Let any and all opposition that can be aroused be permitted to revel in their complaints and draw as many away as they are able. Better they be winnowed before than to be gathered together into disharmony and weakness, only to fail in the end.

At this point I do not even know if the Lord will permit a gathering in our time. He will decide that, not a man. I only know that He is now offering something. Let every man choose for themselves whether they will hear His voice. Then, when they think they can hear Him, let them follow Him. Until then, we should each one do what the Lord inspires us to do in faith, believing He will bring His will to pass in spite of earth and hell.

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