
Friday, August 27, 2010

2 Nephi 31: 16

"And now, my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end, in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved."

What does it mean to "endure to the end?" It is to put up with all the difficulties of mortality? Are we simply supposed to overcome boredom, irritation, trials of our patience, and the offenses caused by others? Is that what it means to "endure?"

What about "endure to the end in following the example of the Son of the living God?" Is that something different?

What if you see errors and mistakes all around you? Is it "enduring" to keep your mouth shut?  Do you need to speak up?

What about the changes that have been made or are being made which alarm you? Is it "enduring" to stay silent in the face of things that suggest this is harmful?

When I first went through the Temple, it was the understood and longstanding practice of the Saints to hold prayer circles in their homes, invoking the "True Order of Prayer" as taught in the Temple. President Kimball sent a letter to the Stake Presidents terminating that practice. I have a copy of that letter. It said that prayer circles were no longer to be practiced outside the Temple - by anyone in the church.

Then in 1990 the True Order of Prayer was altered again, with the elimination of penalties. Thereafter the name changed to the "Order of Prayer," rather than the "True Order of Prayer."

Those who went through the Temple before 1990 would know about how to conduct a prayer circle involving the True Order of Prayer. But they were instructed not to do so outside the Temple. Those who went through after 1990 would not know how to conduct a True Order of Prayer circle, because they were not instructed in the Temple in anything other than the Order of Prayer.

It was still possible for those who knew the pre-1990 form to communicate the process in the Temple to others. However, recently there has begun a practice of hushing any discussions  seen taking place inside the Celestial Rooms of the Temples.

It is as if those who are in control are opposed to keeping the earlier information, and working to keep it from being preserved by others. Is it "enduring to the end" to watch these changes and say nothing? Or is it "enduring" to actually endure, to preserve, to persevere against opposition and to keep as an enduring feature of the faith, information you received if you went through the Temple before 1990? Does a person who, in all sincerity before God, believes that Isaiah's prophecy warned against this (Isa. 24: 5), "endure" if he remains silent? Or must he speak up? If so, how and to who? Which is enduring? Which is enduring to the end in following the example of the Son of the Living God? What example did Christ set in relation to this kind of a conflict? Did Christ submit, or resist authority? If He did both, how does one endure while appropriately weighing those things they will submit to, and those things they will resist?

What about Nephi's warning that you "cannot be saved" if you fail to do the right kind of "enduring" to the end? If salvation itself hinges upon solving this riddle, then how carefully must you weigh what you resist and what you submit to?

It is for this reason we work out our salvation before God as Nephi has explained, acting no hypocrisy, with real intent, having faith in God, but also with fear and trembling. (Mormon 9: 27, also Philip. 2: 12.)

Indeed, God has given us a test worthy of a God. And only those worthy of becoming among the gods will be able to solve the riddle.  Because only they will humble themselves, come with a contrite spirit and broken heart to offer upon the altar a sacrifice worthy of being accepted. Others will proceed in ignorance and arrogance to proudly proclaim: "I know my culture is true!" "I know all is well in Zion!" "I follow a broad and safe mainstream into a great and spacious building where there is peace, pride, success, prosperity and assurance that I am saved while all around me there are those who will be cast down to hell!" Or similar such nonsense... Warmed over Evangelical gibberish, with a vague Mormonesque vocabulary applied to it. Having a form of godliness, but without power. This new form of ungodliness will not be lacking in body, parts and passions, for the image of the idol raised will be the very image of the person looking in the mirror. They will think themselves destined to rule and reign over principalities, dominions, heights, depths and others. They are their own idols! What irony it all invokes! It must make the devil look up to heaven and laugh still. (Moses 7: 26.) Perhaps we ought to see some humor in it as well.  ...Or, since we're speaking of the loss of men's souls, maybe it can never be humorous.  Only tragedy. Only disappointment. Only foolishness.

Where is the hope? Is there none? Yes, in repentance! Changing our course! Remembering God again! Restoring what has been lost! Returning and repenting! That's right! And Nephi has invited us to do just that.

So "enduring to the end in following the example of the Son of the living God" is not easy. Even understanding the meaning of these words is challenging. Thank you Nephi. You have proven yet again how prayerful we all must be. Let us, therefore, repent!


  1. Funny how we assume those words from Isaiah actually apply to others. Similarly I once heard an elder's quorum president remark in Gospel Doctrine class how he appreciated the fact that doctrine in the Church does not change - and this was right after we finished discussing the giving of the priesthood to all worthy males! How can we be so blind?

    It is ironic that on the one hand they teach us the (true) order of prayer in the temple as the proper way to petition the heavens and on the other hand they prohibit us from using it. Likewise they have us covenant to keep the law of consecration, and yet there is no mechanism set up for us to keep this covenant. Similar to the lack of means to truly keep the law of tithing as recorded in D&C 119.

    So, this is all part of the test - how are we to deal with these things as our Lord and Master would deal with them? Sure sounds like the common definition of apostasy to me. Although I cannot see how faithfulness to the truth can ever be equated with apostasy.

    Didn't Joseph say that he would stand by the truth, even if he were the only one so doing?

  2. WOW!

    I have never in my life felt so completely the need for guidance from the Lord, than I have these past few months.
    I never even understood how far away we are from Him as a people. I pray He will forgive me for any foolish notions I have held to. I feel so completely....humbled, thats the perfect description. There is no hope for any of us except through the Lord, on His terms.

  3. The questions that beg to be asked are: should we be practicing the true order of prayer in our homes today? Also, is it an important or even indispensable tool in interacting with heaven? Is it a tool that those who wish to receive the second comforter should use to make their prayers mighty. Is this what the scriptures mean by "mighty prayer?" Is this the kind of prayer Nephi is refering to in Chapter 32? If this is important doctrine, how do we understand your earlier comment that this kind of prayer is merely the polite form, and not absolutely necessary? (my interpretation of your words)

  4. Denver said:
    It is as if those who are in control are opposed to keeping the earlier information, and working to keep it from being preserved by others.

    Jesus said:
    Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.

  5. Denver said: Even understanding the meaning of these words is challenging.

    That's an understatement! I have come to realize, that most gospel "words" have (at least) two meanings, but most of us have accepted the ONE taught in Sunday School all our lives. It's amazing what changing the definition of one word will do, and the can of worms it opens up! For me it was the word "Gentiles." I always thought (and was taught) that is was THEM. Now I know it's us.... ME! How does that change the picture?

    Maybe that's exactly what repentance is: redefining one word or precept at a time (with the confirmation of the Holy Ghost), and then ACTING based on the new (or should I say TRUE) definition.

    Speaking about a can of worms... what has been done now that "endure" takes on a different meaning? It is truly a test indeed, because there is definite action associated with coming to understand the meaning. May we all have the courage to understand and follow God's will!


  6. Denver,

    Is there a way to see the letter President Kimball sent?

    Why would he instruct to stop all TOP outside the temple?

  7. Changes made to what we do in the Temple have been made by the First Presidency and the Twelve. We are taught that the president of the Church will never lead the members astray. How then are we to deal with these thoughts presented today?

  8. "Or is it 'enduring' to actually endure, to preserve, to persevere against opposition and to keep as an enduring feature of the faith, information you received if you went through the Temple before 1990?"

    What of those, such as myself, who were too young to have gone through the Temple before 1990?


  9. When we made covenants to never reveal sacred things.... would that include revealing them to others even in the temple?

    I first went thru the temple in 1972.... am I even authorized to reveal (in or out of the temple) things I learned to my wife who first went thru the temple after 2000?

    I have not shared those things with my wife for fear I may be violating a covenant. I am very troubled by this.

  10. Anonymous @ 4:37
    "Changes made to what we do in the Temple have been made by the First Presidency and the Twelve. We are taught that the president of the Church will never lead the members astray. How then are we to deal with these thoughts presented today? "

    There is a footnote to Official Declaration 1 which says words to this effect. However, there are many scriptures and instances in the scriptures which demonstrate the Saints being led astray, even by their leaders.

    Some links and scriptures follow. Perhaps study and prayer would be in order.
    1 Nephi 21:1
    2 Nephi 4:34
    D&C 1:19

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Does the "who are in control" in:

    "It is as if those who are in control are opposed to keeping the earlier information, and working to keep it from being preserved by others."

    translate better to:

    It is as if [Thomas S. Monson, Henry B. Eyring, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Anderson, Ronald A. Rasband, Claudio R. M. Costa, Steve E. Snow, Walter F. Gonzalez, L. Whitney Clayton, Jay E. Jensen, and Donald L. Hallstrom, et all] are opposed to keeping the earlier information, and working to keep it from being preserved by others.


    It is as if [the correlation department is] opposed to keeping the earlier information, and working to keep it from being preserved by others.

  13. I must disagree with the comments given here by Steve, especially reference to 1 Ne. 21:1. I just renewed my temple recommend and I affirmed that I sustain the president of the Church as a prophet, seer, and revelator, and also the members of the Twelve. I do not agree that the presiding authorities of the Church have gone astray and are misleading the members.

  14. Wilford Woodruff was quoting Brigham Young with his "never be led astray" quote, and all who heard him probably would've understood the context, unlike those a couple of generations later who promoted it out of context.

    There is an "if" clause Brigham used that makes the blessing of the President never leading the Saints astray happen ONLY if they are worthy of the blessing...I don't think we qualify today. Doesn't the opinion poll taken to change the 1990 endowment prove the Saints wished the ordinances to change, and brought upon themselves the condemnation? Seek out the history yourselves. Confirm all things by the Holy Ghost.

    Even still, consider this, not being led astray is one thing, but we must not only be not led astray, but we must go beyond "coasting" and be valient and actively engaged in the path. Not being led astray from the path does not mean the same as leading someone to the end of the path.

    One is passive, one is active.

    The latter is done by Christ alone. According to the scriptures, no man or angel was ever intended to take another man to the end of the path--Christ takes you alone to the end, isn't that what you read plainly in the Book of Mormon?

  15. @Anonymous at 5:45 pm

    I did NOT say that the presiding authorities had gone astray and were misleading members. I simply cited scriptures that say such can happen. It is our responsibility to ensure that we are not led astray.

  16. Does the "who are in control" in:

    "It is as if those who are in control are opposed to keeping the earlier information, and working to keep it from being preserved by others."

    refer to the FP, Q12, etc. or to the meddling middle managers in the correlation department so often decried here?

  17. The Zang family said...."Doesn't the opinion poll taken to change the 1990 endowment prove the Saints wished the ordinances to change, and brought upon themselves the condemnation?"

    What opinion poll to change the ordinances? Are you serious?

    And....Taylor, please don't get started on the man vs. woman issue again.

  18. I don't know which would make me feel worse: that the FP/Qo12 would lock the gate or that the correlation department would have the authority to change temple ordinances.

  19. It seems that the whole "never be led astray" quote has been used by us the members of the church as a safety net. So we can hide behind the church and never take a chance to do things that are uncomfortable or challenging. It is so much easier for someone to tell us what to do and provide the "rules and regulations" that will save us. I am not speaking of the ordinances, but all the little things that we do so we appear to anyone that may be watching us that we are in good standing.

    God has a plan for each of us. He wants us to come back to Him, we make that journey individually.

    I have no fault with the "never be led astray" quote. I fault myself for giving power over to an institution when I knew along that God has all the power.

  20. We can have a 1000 Prophets teaching us 24/7 & we will still be lead away & misinterpret their words IF we don't possess the Spirit to explain their words & teachings to us in further detail.

    The Prophets only tell us half the doctrine, the Spirit teaches us the other vital half.

    It is the Spirit that keeps us from going astray & really teaches us the truth of all things.

    The Prophets just tell us to how to gain the Spirit, the real teacher.

  21. Anonymous August 27, 2010 6:58 PM: I heard about the opinion poll from someone else. You'll have to dig up the research on your own, I'm kind of swamped right now.

    From my own experiences with the generation that would've had a say, many seem to express "relief" at the removal of penalties and claim they are living a "higher law" with the changes. They implied the Church was always astray from Joseph's Smith's day until the changes had been made and now the Church is "enlightened". This is what they hold up as evidence of continuing revelation. Of course, it takes having the spirit of revelation to recognize when revelation occurs.

    It sounds like the relief expressed was from the potential persecution that true disciples were told they would other words, relief from being disciples. Perhaps we alone are responsible if we inherit these false traditions. Judging by the 1st Pres. letter Denver put up in the next post, the loophole that allows sincere faithful individuals to forge the true path may've been intentionally left in. Of course, I believe faithful Apostles that are sincere pray that we will figure that out, despite the interpretations of the middle management. After all, we did agree to receive the Holy Ghost, did we not? Not receive Bishop so and so?

    Boyd K. Packer in the recent Ensign, after giving lip service to the routine correlated preaching about modesty, inserted some very very bold statements for those that have ears to hear. He repeated twice that a lot of the mocking of the true followers of Christ will come from within the Church after talking about Lehi's dream and the great and spacious building.

  22. If you would take a lesson from my own mistakes, take notice as you confirm these things and remember we are all hypocrites in many ways before you turn to any reviling. Forge ahead in the humble low road! Be lowly in heart! We are promised in the Book of Mormon that if we do not return evil for evil, we will get firmer and firmer in our faith in Christ.

    Remember how the people in the Old Testament found an old copy of the law of Moses, and all wept bitterly when they realized how far the Church had gone off course in the space of not many years?
    Get to the weeping stage and find comfort before lashing out because of the new discoveries! Intercede on behalf of others before interrupting! Then the Lord will qualify us to declare repentance, I believe.

    In the past tongues have been loosed such that it was impossible for others to disbelieve the words being spoken, and I believe that can happen today as well. We will probably have to lay down the tools of research and logic and instead use the sword of the Spirit, in all meekness and humility, to accomplish the task.

  23. Of course, let me replace "Bishop" in the above post with Correlation department to be even more mild...Correlation department employees have no calling, I am told, and no authority over us in any Priesthood respect, in my opinion. If they are fed through opinion polls, then let our opinions reflect true doctrine and essentially wipe out their influence, and cheer up the faithful who serve in that department (without enough effect apparently).

    It is said by our conferences that filth peddlers would not peddle filth if the people were to stop consuming it. Shall we not make that humble stand as individuals? It is one thing to be fed with milk when it is needed, it is another to have milk like the China scandal, tainted with pollutants.

    Shall we not prove to the faithful Apostles that there are still yet those in Israel (albeit Gentile Israel) that have not bowed down to worship Baal? Are we courageous enough to stand up in faith and believe our testimonies that there are those in the highest seats waiting for such a rising to occur, despite what gets parroted down the tube and muddied by the cows wading in the water? I have heard as much expectancy in the recent Conferences to still have hope, no matter how well it is drowned out in daily Mormondom.

    Rise up, O Men of God! Let the smoke of the altar of incense ascend into the ears of the Lord of Hosts! He will fight our battles! Let us not cease to weary Him with our petitions in the anguish of our souls in the face of the awful crisis we see surmounting!

    We shall be delivered from any taskmasters, and our burdens shall be made light as we bear them presently.

    Is not this the message of the Book of Mormon? Is it not supposed to hit close to home like this?

  24. And by the way, do we still have a Jewish public relations firm calling our advertising shots for us? Let us love the Jews, but not love their advertising expertise. According to my Jewish Studies teachers in Baltimore, it is the Jews who created Hollywood, among whom many faithful Jews despise because of their rejection of the faith and following the ways of Babylon. Shall we make a new Hollywood of our faith? Believe me, any public relations firm will be copying that business model. Does anyone doubt it? Look at the success of Hollywood! Who wouldn't copy it? Answer: Disciples of Christ, of course. Let us remain hated and peculiar. It will increase our converts. Let us stop speaking about our charitable outreaches, and do them in secret. We will touch the hearts of the individuals involved as opposed to televising our back-patting.

  25. Well, well, well. We really are going somewhere.


  26. "Then in 1990 the True Order of Prayer was altered again, with the elimination of penalties..."


    "Thereafter the name changed to the 'Order of Prayer,' rather than the 'True Order of Prayer.' "

    This is not correct. Prior to April, 1990 the phrases "Order of Prayer" and "True Order of Prayer" were both used, and they are both still used today.

  27. I have to agree with Matt on this one. I am a post 1990-only temple attender, and have only ever heard it called the "True Order of Prayer."

    The only thing I can figure is if you (Denver) have seen a script and its been changed from "True Order of Prayer" to "true Order of Prayer."

    That kind of change is not discernible in speech.

  28. There were other changes from the endowment given in Nauvoo. But we never hear people asking that they be reinstated.
    - A friend of Andrew Ehat

  29. Friend of Ehat (LC?),
    Please discuss the Navoo changes that we are not asking for.


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