
Friday, August 6, 2010

2 Nephi 28: 30

"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more, and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have."

Here Nephi shows he is the prophetic precedent upon which others would build. We often quote Alma for this idea, because Alma lays it out more completely. But Alma's teaching has its root in Nephi's warning here. (See Alma 12: 9-11.)

Notice the Lord's promise that He will "give unto the children of men."  He is liberal and does not upbraid us for asking. (James 1: 5-6.) Indeed, He admonishes us to seek, ask and knock.(Matt. 7: 7-11; D&C 88: 63.)

Notice that "unto him that receiveth" is the singular.  It isn't "those" but "him." Meaning each of us individually may come to Him and ask and receive. However, "from them that shall say, We have enough" is plural.  Meaning, there are many who could have been taught, had they not shut the doors. The collective will resist new revelation, even when it continues. They will shut their minds and not tolerate learning of truths.

When, however, groups close their minds it becomes impossible to keep what they have. It is inevitable that "from them shall be taken away even that which they have."  Meaning, that we are either in a process of restoration or apostasy. The instant we stop restoring truths, we begin to lose them. You cannot just keep what Joseph restored to you. That will be lost. You either continue on and receive on-going revelation and new visions, visitations and restoration, or else you begin to forfeit what you already have. So soon as you walk away from one precept, from one doctrine, from one ordinance, you have begun the process of apostasy or falling away.

This environment is not static. It is always in change.  Either it is being built up, created and newly formed, or it is decaying, dying and falling apart. It never holds static. This is because the things of this world testify of Christ's Gospel. (Moses 6: 63.) The path is only upward.  So soon as you stray from it, you lose the path. This is why you take the shoes from off your feet and put them on again as a symbol that you accept the path. You never remove them again, because once upon that path you are to remain so. The path is accompanied by greater light and truth, going from grace to grace until you receive a fullness. (D&C 93: 19, 26-28.)

Nephi is telling us how to receive the fullness. It comes only through revelation and the opening of heaven. You may be anointed to become kings and priests, but the realization of these blessings depends upon your faithfulness. If you are true and faithful the time will come when you will be called up and anointed, whereas now it is all conditional. Only Christ can remove the conditions. To have Him do that requires Him, as the Word, to intercede on your behalf. It requires Him to confirm by His own voice from heaven that you are His, and to establish His covenant directly with you.

Whether it is the words of an old book or the words of an older ceremony it is the same. They can't save you. Only following the exact same path as the ancients followed can result in arriving at the same end. As the Sixth Lecture from the Lectures on Faith states:

"When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice, because he seeks to do his will, he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he has not nor will not seek his face in vain.  Under these circumstances then, he can obtain the faith necessary for him to lay hold on eternal life.  It is in vain for persons to fancy to themselves that they are heirs with those, or can be heirs with them, who have offered their all in sacrifice, and by this means obtained faith in God and favor with him so as to obtain eternal life, unless they in like manner offer unto him the same sacrifice, and through that offering obtain the knowledge that they are accepted of him."

What role does revelation play? Without it no person can be saved.

Who must receive the revelation? Each person for themselves.

What happens when revelation stops? To the person for whom revelation has ended, there is no salvation, (Moroni 7: 37-38) and they will immediately begin to lose what they were previously given. (Verse above.) To the people who refuse to receive more, "from them shall be taken away even that which they have."

Nephi has declared it, using authority from God to do so.  We either accept his counsel and warnings or reject it at our peril.


  1. My husband told me yesterday that he believes Denver is a fake and that I am deceived. Last week he seriously considered forbidding me from reading this blog anymore. It's interesting because last year I read the 2nd Comforter and since then have spent many evenings reading excerpts from it to my husband. He loved what he heard (except any part that condemed any part of the church.) He's thanked me several times and told me that the words he heard were making him a better person.

    I know from these two examples many of you may think he is a tyrant and exercises unrighteous dominion. Actually, he is just the opposite and has always been the kindest of husbands, undemanding and has pretty much supported me in anything I want to do. In light of that information, it is all the more curious to me that he has reacted this way. It's made me recognize what an incredibly hard thing it can be sometimes to hear truth when we think we already had it. I've never quite understood why people in the scriptures would get so incredibly angry at people who spoke truth. I love it and seek it and even though it may be hard, at times, to hear, I would so much rather hear it than be blind. Seeing his reaction from someone who is normally so "chill" and calm and mild has been surprising.

    A quote from him today, "I have such great trust and faith in the leadership of the church. How can you listen to someone who says these things?" It was actually the perfect thing for him to say to me because I was able to talk with him about the curse of trusting in the arm of flesh (no matter how high up the ladder that flesh may be.)

    Tonight as he went to bed he lovingly said, "I'm going to read The 2nd Comforter myself. Not just the highlights you have made, but every word." I know he's thought a lot about things. I feel him softening. I'm so pleased for me and for him.
    This has really opened my eyes to how hard some of these truths may be for many people; I don't think I ever would have believed it!

    (Sorry i'm signing in as "anonymous." It's only fair to my husband.

  2. A great reminder that living such truth as you find in these discussions and books is compelling and intriguing to others. I see more and more that living the Gospel really does invite others to soften and or learn more.

    Thanks for sharing that story anonymous.

  3. Dear Anonymous,
    Thank you for the willingness to share your experience as you work through these truths with your spouse. I too am experiencing a husband that is very sure that I have fallen off the deep end in listening to Denver whom is leading me down the road of apostasy. I have quiet assurance ever present letting me know that these truths are the very light I have been seeking and asking for, as well as confirmation that the things I have been taught by the Spirit are being given a second witness by the words of Denver. My gratitude overflows as I read. I have been seeking the assistance of the Holy Ghost to prepare my husbands heart for these truths and have seen signs of those prayers starting to make a difference. I again am grateful to you for sharing your personal experience....


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