
Monday, March 8, 2010

Amber Dubois

The body of missing 14-year old Amber Dubois was found and positively identified Saturday.  Her body was placed in a shallow grave.  The morning she disappeared she went to school with a check to pay for a young lamb she intended to raise as part of her membership in the Future Farmer's of America.  Her remains were identified using dental records.
During law school we studied sociopathic behavior as part of criminal law.  Sociopaths are incapable of empathizing with others and are not at all affected by the harm or pain they cause to others.  When you combine sociopathic personalities with sexual disorientation and violence, the lethal combination produced is simply beyond reformation.  I do not think it wise to ever release a violent sexual predator back into society.  It is still too soon to know, but it appears Amber was the victim of the same sexual offender who was charged with another young woman's murder about a week ago.  Amber's body was found by searching the same area as his last known victim.  He was out on parole from earlier violent sexual offenses.
I not only mourn Amber's death, but also the incapacity of the criminal system to have protected her and perhaps many other unknown victims yet to be discovered.  Release of sociopathic sexual predators from prison should never occur.

1 comment:

  1. Today the man who killed Amber pled guilty. California agreed not to seek the death penalty. This brings the question of who murdered her to a conclusion. May her family receive peace. She was only 14 when he abducted and murdered her.


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