
Thursday, February 18, 2010

BYU Visit

I need to preface my remarks below with this: My son attended a Catholic High School for a year and had the wonderful experience of being in the minority there. I have lifelong friends who are Catholic. My family was Baptist and my sister remains a devoted Baptist. I have friends of many faiths, or no faith at all. Some friends have been LDS, and lost their faith altogether. Some have converted from LDS to Catholic. All these wonderful people are valued friends. I attend annually a Presbyterian service blessing the Scottish clans with a dear friend. My friendships have nothing to do with the friend's faith.

Now, that having been said, I was down at BYU about a week ago. [While there, I was surprised to find that several of my books were for sale in the BYU Bookstore. Somehow I thought Benchmark Books in Salt Lake was THE local distributor.]

While walking about the campus I was reminded just how much I like being a Latter-day Saint. We're quirky, even peculiar people. There's a lot about us to laugh about. But underneath it all Latter-day Saints really try hard, in our strange way, to be good, decent people. The struggle to be that is met with frequent failure. But the exercise is good.

Devotion to any faith is good for the souls of mankind. In many ways we are not at all superior to other groups. I remember the talk given by Pres. Faust about the killings of the young girls in the Amish school a few years ago, which was followed by the compassion of the Amish victims' families to the widow and children of the murderer. If we were to hold up a contemporary group in the United States who most succeed in living a Christ-like life, it would likely be the Amish. Nevertheless, I really like being a Latter-day Saint and in fellowshipping and struggling with my fellow Saint. I find it joyful. I love the Saints. Even as I sense very keenly our many shortcomings. For me, it is still joyful to live as a Latter-day Saint.


  1. Forgiveness has no appellation. It is a gift from God no matter what your religious affiliation.

    Viktor Frankl found that he could either live a self righteous life of indignation at what befell him in a WWII German prison camp - or he could free himself of the pride of hate and anger.

    It is an invaluable lesson that is worth more than all the riches of the world For those riches could never buy your way to the saving grace as does forgiveness

  2. The Amish family story reminded me of something I read recently. There was a young man in Iowa who killed the town's beloved football coach. The son of the young man and the coach's wife remain friends and have helped each other through the healing process.
    Forgiveness is a wonderful, powerful thing!


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